Sunday, April 6, 2008

First Notes This is about the travels to the wonderful world of culinary curiosity, meals that you once had and the ones that you look forward to. Food that connects with cultures that are your own and also the ones that are alien in a uniquely intimate way. It can transport one back to the past that can only be visited in dreams. Mom’s food cooked ready and warm for you when you were back from school hungry or food from roadside eateries that never cared for health department codes or sanitary certificates or simple snack that was shared with your first love interest at corner of a college canteen. Five star buffets that you had strangely disliked but loved to death the corner cafĂ© of your part of the town who exactly had six things to offer. Food excites us, it intrigues us, makes us feel happy and warm. And for those of us with some amount of culinary curiosity, it is a multi-dimensional journey. A journey back to our roots but also a flight to experience ingenuity of human nature, its connection with its own environment, both immediate surroundings but also far beyond! For a fascinated observers of culinary habits that is very much like language, culture and any other forms of visual arts, which reacts, modifies and changes its tone and colorations with age and exposure. Here I intend to share my travels to this world with you and hope to get you along the way! Bon Voyage!

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